Typical projects
We have been developing software solutions individually for our customers for over 20 years. Here you will find an excerpt of projects from a wide variety of industries that we have successfully implemented over the past two decades.
We are happy to support you in successfully implementing your digitalization projects and also offer the opportunity to take advantage of funding. Whether it’s EU funding programs or national funding instruments, we are happy to advise you and help you with the application process together with our partners. With our experience and expertise, we are able to find the right funding programs for your project and assist you with implementing the funding conditions. Take advantage of this opportunity and let’s drive your digitalization together.

Customer support à la ChatGPT
In a recent development project, a robust platform was designed and implemented, which is characterized by the integration of generative artificial intelligence (similar to GPT, Llama, Bart, Claude, …). This AI has been meticulously trained with product-related data and information. As a result, the platform now operates successfully as a support chat and is able to independently process simple support requests in ongoing dialogue with customers. This enables 24/7 support to be available at any time and relieves the burden on support staff.
Industries: all
Successful 3D Printing as Pay-per-use
A modern web service provides a platform for preparing and downloading 3D printing data. Customers only pay for the services actually used by the 3D printing web service by paying only for downloaded print files.
The preparation of 3D model data includes preparing the data so that it can be printed by the 3D printer in layers. This includes adjusting the layer thickness, optimizing the print speed and many other print parameters. The service ensures that the printed models meet the requirements of the customers and that the print time and material use are optimized.
Industries: Research, Industry, Production
SAP data exchange and detailed budget planning
By exporting SAP planning figures, the planning figures within a department can be broken down in dedicated web software. In the current financial year, the planned figures can be monitored and compared to real figures in the course of the project. A big advantage arises from the optimal budget distribution and utilisation. Surpluses can be identified at an early stage and replanned.
A regular comparison with the SAP data guarantees planning security. The real numbers can simply be transferred to SAP at the end of the financial year.
By outsourcing to an independent tool, license costs in SAP can be kept low.
Industry: vehicles, traffic, automotive
QR codes for everyone
QR codes offer a simple way to transmit information quickly and easily. Be it address data, business cards or article master data. QR codes can be easily generated in web interfaces. With the help of an app for iOS/iPhone/iPad and Android, today’s smartphones can be easily converted into a code scanner and data can be quickly transferred to company systems.
Apps for networks, such as LinkedIn or Xing, can link members to each other quickly and easily using simple QR codes. Inventories can also be carried out quickly and easily using QR codes.
Industry: all
One location becomes many
A profitable training company wants to grow. To do this, we will develop a suitable platform together. Sales will be optimized and digitized so that order radar and follow-up structures can be solved more efficiently. Supported by mobile apps for iOS/iPhone/iPad and Android, trainers can quickly and easily communicate with their students and plan their training.
Industry: training, leisure, B2C, employee retention
Digital data for environmental sustainability
If you want to determine your CO2 footprint or even the company-wide climate balance, you quickly come across the topic of data quality. A truly sustainable balance is only possible with a continuous data process chain. Such a process recording can be very time-consuming, especially for many smaller companies in the process chain and/or for chain stores. However, since smartphones and tablets are used everywhere today, a suitable app simplifies and accelerates data acquisition and evaluation.
Industry: all
Maximise profit through automatic price determination
A user-friendly web application enables the company to automatically determine sales prices for their products in different markets worldwide. Advanced algorithms and data analysis methods are used to compare and analyze prices of comparable products in different countries. The solution takes into account several factors that influence pricing, such as the exchange rate, the local competitive situation and the purchasing power in the respective country.
Another factor that is taken into account is the gray market price of the product. This refers to the price at which the product is sold in illegal or unregulated markets. By taking this factor into account, the software can help the company adjust their pricing strategy to local realities, thus maximizing their profits.
The result is an automated and accurate pricing tool that helps companies maximize profits and increase their competitiveness on a global scale.
Industry: trade, automotive, B2C
Your own news app
By using a simple proxy solution, content can be read from the existing content management system (CMS) and supplemented with additional content. Be it Typo3, Drupal, WordPress or other current systems, it is possible to read out existing data.
The data enriched in this way – e.g. geo-information on address data or images suitable for the topic can be found via Google interfaces – can be displayed in a mobile app for iOS/iPhone/iPad and Android. Nothing stands in the way of your own news app.
Industry: retail, leisure, B2C
Transform and import Excel files
A user-friendly interface allows Excel files to be easily loaded in a web interface. A preview function shows the user immediately whether the correct basic settings were made during import.
Data can be transformed according to given rules before an import, e.g. replacing address data with geo-coordinates, calculating sales tax, converting units, … . Data can also be validated for correctness, e.g. address data verified.
If the Excel files often contain different content, a mapping tool can help to assign the columns in the Excel files to the correct content fields in the software.
Industry: all
Photo documentation of goods receipt and workflow
The introduction of an ERP-independent checklist app for iOS/iPhone/iPad and Android enables legally compliant and simple photo documentation of incoming goods, difficult production processes and outgoing goods. As a result, defects are documented early and in a comprehensible manner and can be remedied or sent back to the affected suppliers in a legally secure manner. Interfaces allow easy coupling to existing systems and business processes.
Industry: production, suppliers
Worldwide distribution of flight documentation
In air traffic, a large number of documentations are required in the cockpit. This documentation must always be up to date. The lack of data will result in a flight ban. The mountains of paper and logistics involved in distribution are expensive, time-consuming and error-prone.
Through a smart global distribution platform, the data is made available on a daily basis via several nodes with fail-safety. A mobile app for iPads enables the data to be updated at any time and makes it easy and convenient to use in the cockpit.
Industry: aviation
Live images for the patient record
The existing software integrates a camera system, but this only allows you to create images. However, the correct assignment with a time stamp in the patient record is incorrect. In addition, the camera control creates side effects in other software. Again and again it leads to treatment delays and interruptions in everyday practice.
We have developed a workflow-optimized native app that generates images quickly and conveniently and assigns them directly to the corresponding patient record. This not only increases patient throughput, but also avoids errors and the time saved is meaningfully dedicated to the patient.
Industry: Medical technology
Live bonus for technicians
By developing a mobile app for iOS/iPhone/iPad and Android for your own technicians in the field, they have access to their current work orders at any time. Orders can be started and completed in the app and the head office has an up-to-date insight into daily figures.
In return, the technicians’ order data, which is available at all times, allows the technicians to immediately display the bonus they have currently achieved. The app not only serves the head office for better planning and profitability, but it also provides incentives for the technicians in their day-to-day business.
Industry: telecommunications, employee retention
Appointment scheduling via mobile app
With a mobile app for iOS/iPhone/iPad and Android to manage your own team, members can be invited to the team using a simple invitation code. Appointments can be set in the app and assigned to individual members or subgroups. Every team member can take part in the appointments by simply accepting or declining.
Push notifications keep everyone informed of new or changed appointments. Task management, carpooling and route planning for appointments complete the range of functions.
Industry: leisure, B2C, telecommunications
Collect pain data, optimize medication
With an app for iOS/iPhone/iPad and Android, patients can record their current pain perception at any time of the day. In addition, pain is queried at specified intervals and patients are reminded of their medication.
A leading system correlates this data. The knowledge can be used to optimize medications in terms of their effectiveness and duration of action. Optimizations can not only reduce costs, but also patients can be treated better according to their individual requirements.
Industry: pharmaceuticals, health
Embedding company data in content management systems
Interesting company data should often be made available on your own website for customers and interested parties. Be it sustainability information, current operating statuses, timetable changes or current operating information, these can easily be integrated into existing content management systems such as Drupal, Typo3, WordPress, …. A concept for maintaining the updateability of the content management system is in the foreground.
Industry: water management, leisure